Conquering Hallasan #한라산 정복하기

January 07, 2020

Today is the day I will finally take on the challenge to reach the peak of Hallasan. I came to know about Hallasan for the first time when I was obsessed with the Korean Drama My Lovely Samsoon. It was a hit drama back in 2005, and I would say a legendary one. Old dramas are still my favourite. The love between the 2 main characters in the drama blossomed on the day they both hike up Hallasan, in hope of jump-starting their lives. Therefore, I have always been very curious about the famous and highest mountain in South Korea.

I have heard that I will not be an easy path to hike up to the peak. Especially for someone who does not exercise on a regular basis, someone like me. But still, as a former k-drama obsessed fan, I decided that I should pay a tribute to the legendary drama and this would be the best way to do it.

On the morning of the hike, I made sure I fill my stomach with all the delicious Korean buffet breakfast spread in the hotel. For some reason, I love having hot and savoury food in the morning. Therefore I prefer the Korean food spread (white rice, kimchi, soybean paste soup, bulgogi, spicy stir-fried pork, seaweed) more than the western spread (buns with butter and jam, cereal with cold milk, french fries, scrambled eggs, and random fried food). 

I think I went through 3 rounds of refills of the Korean spread (it is just that good!).

After a very fulfilling breakfast, it is time to depart. We stopped by a convenient store to buy some snacks, energy drinks and water. We were blessed with good weather for a hike that day. Which explains the traffic along the way up the starting point/ base point of Hallasan. Traffic was bad as the traffic was on a standstill at some point of time. And then. I had a minor mental breakdown when the traffic controller told us that we have to just park on the sideroad as the parking spaces at the base point are fully occupied. No more cars will be allowed to drive up anymore at this point. Mind you, from the point of where I was, there was still a 15mins drive uphill until I can reach the entrance of Hallasan. In the end, it took me an hour of continuous uphill walking to reach there.

I was already exhausted by the time I reach the entrance and I was so ready to go back down and call it a day lol. But after a few motivational speeches given by my boyfriend (more like I do not have a choice), I continued on with my journey. I was surprised to see a lot of young kids and elderly people whisk by me as we hike. Major kudos to them! I had to stop and catch my breath every 10 minutes. 

We've come a long way.

And the best part was, whenever I stop and turn around, I was always shocked in awe, looking over the magnificent view over the mountain at different points of heights. It felt like it was nature's way of rewarding me for every step I climb. 

Nature's way of rewarding me.

It took me a few 'mental breakdowns' along the way to finally reach the peak after 2 hours. 

Mental breakdown #1

Mental breakdown #2.

We found a nice spot with an amazing view to settle down and begin snacking on the food and drinks we brought along. The speed of the wind was no joke, plus the low temperature at this high altitude, it sent chills to my bones.

View at the peak.

After re-energizing ourselves and a few photoshoots later, we started to descent with a heavy heart and body. We saw some really colourful butterflies and a wild mountain deer on our way down.

I am really proud of myself for completing this journey (of course with the mental support of my boyfriend. Not too sure if I would make it without him lol). It was a truly humbling experience for me to fully immerse myself with nature . Especially it was my first time hiking in a country outside of Malaysia. If you ask me, I do not regret one bit of hiking up the highest mountain in South Korea. Would I do it again? Maybe. Maybe not. I heard that the mountain has a lot more to offer. Different views during different seasons in the year. Different pathways to choose from to reach the peak, depending on the level of difficulty. So, would you give it a try when you visit Jeju? :)   

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